CHRISTINE  WALDE                             

Artist  | Poet | Librarian

(in a) New Order

(2010, 2017-)

(in a) New Order is a series of visual poems, including remixes and reinterpretations, of  the lyrics  to the iconic 1980 song“Love Will Tear Us Apart"  by Joy Division. The lyrics are first torn apart by hand, then rearranged and recomposed in a new order, playing upon Joy Division’s new name as New Order following the tragic suicide of lead singer Ian Curtis.

In some poems, the words are randomly selected, following the same order of consonants in each stanza while strictly adhering to the same consonants and line breaks. In other poems, lines are composed in free verse, using only the words from the original lyrics, and arranged in a multiplicity of ways, including by order and repetition, cluster formation, as well as by mirroring each corresponding stanza.

In every poem, each word appears the same number of times as in the original song — but in a new order. In addition to the print works, (in a) New Order has a performative element, and  can be performed in front of a live audience, using the act of rearrangement as a live remix of the text.

(in a) New Order was featured in the city-wide Stanzas visual poetry exhibition, sponsored by the Victoria Arts Council and curated by writer, artist, curator, and Executive Director Kegan McFadden.

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